Saturday, 9 April 2011

Some Pretty Illustrations!

A while ago, I had a lovely message from a lady called Emilie, who was an illustrator. She asked if she could use some of my images as a series for her Uni work. 
The first photo Emilie illustrated of mine was my photo of Charlie from Frontline Style. I was completely blown away, just such amazed, simplistic yet beautiful work.

Emilie later messaged me again asking if she could use my self portraits this time, so I was more than happy for her to do so, and here is a collection of the self portraits she's illustrated below.
These ones where she's illustrated the fabric of the clothes I'm wearing are just fantastic!

My favourite aspect is how she puts her own mark on them, She has this utterly elegant style of lips, hair & eye's I'm kinda wishing that they were my own!
Emilie has since messages asking if we can collaborate again, and I'm excited to get this ball rolling!
You can see all of the images featured from my 365 & my first 52 weeks on my Flickr.

Emilies Website | Tumblr